tie dye shirt tutorial series- criss cross pattern


I love this tie dye pattern- it's very cool looking but is very easy to get.  This pattern was made with folding and rubber bands.  The criss cross pattern looks good in multiple colors or single colors too.  I've used dark blue teal, light blue, and a coral for this pattern. 

indigo tie dye tutorial for beginners

How To Shibori- Beginner Bold Stripes Folding Technique

This is a great EASY pattern that looks great on everything.  You will need tongue depressors, rubber bands and some cellulose fabric.  Cotton, Linen, Rayon work best.  
indigo tie dye easy pattern- pole wrapped fabric dyeing

Pole Wrap Shibori- Arashi Variation

This pattern is really fun and very organic.  This is a take on Arashi Shibori.  Usually Arashi is a lot more neat and tidy, but I went with a more imperfect wrap.  This pattern reminds me of a geode or agate.  
tie dye with indigo- shibori pattern



We all know the most exciting part of the dyeing process or a dyeing workshop is the moment when you get to open it up! So I decided to compile a bunch of reveals into one video.  I think it's sort of relaxing to watch and can spark ideas for you.  Check it out and thanks for watching. xoxo

My Online Shibori Workshop:



tie dye tutorial

Fourth of July Tie Dye Tutorial

I wanted to try something fun and festive for the Fourth of July this year.  I was inspired by people in my online shibori classes, being resourceful when they couldn't get their hands on indigo.  They would buy Rit Dye or tie dye kits!  The Shibori folding techniques can be applied to tie dye and you can have a lot of fun mixing the colors! 

Check out my Skillshare Classes and Online Workshops: 

How to Ice for Beginners: You can get a free 14 day trial of Skillshare Premium with this link: https://skl.sh/3xKUPJf

Indigo Tie Dye Shibori for Beginners: You can get a free 14 day trial of Skillshare Premium with this link: https://skl.sh/3mPXk83 

Live Online Shibori  indigo Tie Dye for Beginners: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/shibori-indigo-tie-dye-for-beginners-virtual-workshop-tickets-104093582708?keep_tld=1

Shibori indigo tie dye tutorial for beginners

Shibori- Indigo Dyeing Turtorial Step By Step- Beginner

Written step by step instructions for resist dyeing with indigo
May 24, 2020 — Catherine Ruhl
Tags: beginner shibori catherine ruhl dye dyeing easy shibori folding easy tie dye idea easy tie dye technique gender neutral tie dye grown up tie dye grown up tie dye colors how to do shibori how to do shibori dyeing how to shibori how to shibori dye how to tie dye indigo indigo dyeing indigo dyeing techniques indigo kit indigo recipe INDIGO REVEAL indigo techniques indigo tie dye indigo tie dye for beginners indigo tie dye tutuorial indigo tutorial indigo vat modern tie dye modern tie dye colors modern tie dye patterns online tie dye workshops organic patterns with shibori pillow pre-reduced indigo resist resist dyeing shibori shibori artist shibori dyeing shibori equipment shibori folding shibori folding technique shibori folding techniques shibori for beginners shibori indigo shibori materials shibori pattern shibori patterns shibori patterns with tie dye shibori supplies shibori tie dye shibori tutorial sophisticated colors for tie dye sophisticated tie dye tea towel textile textile art textile artist textile design textile designer textiles tie dye tie dye class tie dye classes tie dye craft class tie dye equipment tie dye folding tie dye folding tutorial tie dye home decor tie dye kit tie dye materials tie dye online workshop TIE DYE OPENING tie dye pattern tie dye project tie dye supplies tie dye technique tie dye techniques tie dye tutorial tie dye tutorials tie dye virtual event tie dye with catherine ruhl tie dye with traditional shibori folds tie dye workshop tie dyeing with indigo traditional japanese tie dye wrapped shibori